Fireworks Training
Training Courses
We offer a comprehensive training course for organisers, committees and PTA’s of Bonfire Night, New Year and other public firework displays. This training course provides instruction and guidance on all aspects of firework safety and your display by our trained technicians.
Organised Fireworks Display Training Course
This course covers virtually every aspect of using the fireworks you purchase from us. Questions and answers are very welcome, we will do all we can to help you with any other queries you might have.
Areas covered by this course include:
- Event Planning
- Display Site – including layout, safety distances and crowd control
- Display Procedures and Firing instructions including types of fireworks, set up, sequenced firing and waterproofing
- Using firing systems with IGNITE
- Fireworks and the law – the current situation
- Safety including equipment, personal safety, crowd safety and the Health & Safety at Work Act
Get real hands-on experience
A real display site is used to show you how to set your fireworks up safely and how to fire them. This display will then be fired in the evening using IGNITE (see below).
Date: Saturday 21st October 2.30pm - 5.30pm
Venue: Magelake Pavilion, Uffculme DEVON
Cost: This year it's FREE
We are trialing this as a new offering so we are not making a charge.
Tickets available soon (limited places).
BONUS - See a real fireworks display fired by IGNITE using retail fireworks
As we are running our Demo Night on the same day. You will be able to see all your learning used for a real live fireworks display!
We will be firing some new products of interest followed by a IGNITE fired retail fireworks display and then the evening will end with a Pyromusical display by our Pro-team.
You get FREE VIP access to the Demo Night. Invite the family along for free too?
More details on the Demo Night we will provide you a free coupon code for family/friends to come along.